Women’s Wellness with Rakshaa Chhabriaa -Bach flower expert & holistic emotional coach who has helped people across the globe as well as celebrities with their mental and emotional health.
Women need to be supported emotionally during various stages of their lives through Bach Therapy and Mindset Transformation Coaching.
Yo! Let's celebrate the greatness in women and let’s address Women’s Wellness - Physical as well as Mental and Emotional.

All three are congruent and supportive of each other and imbalance in any 1 area whether Physical Mental or Emotional Health can cause disturbance in the other health areas.
Women go through many transitional phases in their lives and play a multi-dimensional role in society.
Bach Remedies for Women is a complete Health Support to help them play many roles successfully and live happily and stress-free.
The Bach system works with incredible potential benefits for Women during their lives. The remedies help women cope with Period Pain, Pregnancy, Infertility, and Menopause as well as the trials and tribulations that can be experienced by women in society, such as dealing with issues of self-esteem, the demands of family and work, Emotional Balance and Physical Wellbeing.
The healing benefits of the Bach Remedies help women cope with the trials and tribulations experienced throughout womanhood.
Bach Remedies help to improve women's health and wellbeing.
Bach flower remedies are a safe way to combat many daily negative thoughts that run rampant in our heads including women who are multitaskers and multi-dimensional.
Some of my favourite Bach Flower Remedies for women ( though personalised ones give accurate results ) :
1) Elm - helps women who are overwhelmed with all the different hats they have to wear, as a woman, sister, daughter, wife, friend, mother, or aunt.
2) Hornbeam - helps women who experience Mondayitis every morning of the week. Hornbeam helps them shake the mental weariness.
3) Gentian - for setbacks in life. Whether you got looked over for that promotion didn't make it to your dream job or had a miscarriage.
Gentian helps us realise there is no such thing as failure when you have tried your very best.
4) Mimulus - For Obvious fears of cockroaches or insects or dogs dark rooms etc. Mimulus is the remedy for fears of all known things. Mimulus will help get your emotions under control and you can enjoy life without fear.
5) Scleranthus - for making up your mind. Scleranthus will help you decide.
6) Vervain - for physical and mental exhaustion when you feel burnt out like a candle from all ends and need to relax.
7. If you are at crossroads in your life and not sure what path to take in life - Personalised Bach Remedies help your ideas and ambitions form a decision upon your true path.
8. Personalised Bach remedies help you find your spark again when you are experiencing a groundhog day.
9. Do You feel Stuck in a rut? OR
Burdened and Monotonous life is getting to you - Then we can help you re-ignite your interest in life with our personalised mixes.
10. Lost your sense of optimism and hope? We can help you get out of such normal but negative feelings.
11. Whether you are Experiencing Peri Menopause, Menopause, Empty-Nest Syndrome, Divorce or Single Living Syndrome, Lack Confidence and Clarity and are Burnt Out or experience Extreme Exhaustion - Bach Remedies help you get through the transitions and changes in life calmly and protect you from negativity.
12. If you're looking for Natural Remedies for Menopause that can relieve symptoms surrounding Mental Health and Emotional Wellness as Hot Flushes, Mood Swings, Night Sweats, Brain Fog, Anxiety, Depression, and Lack of Confidence as well as improve Sleep Quality.
If you want support with Difficult Feelings like Anxiety, Depression Confusions, Brain Fog, Exhaustion & Mental Fatigue, Disinterest, Anger or irritation associated with any transitional period in your life but don’t know where to turn, take some time out today to consult us at :
We can create Personalised Bach Flower remedies that are Herbal, Natural, and Safe with Zero Side Effects for you.
They’re taken as drops on the tongue (or in a glass of water) 4 times a day for a few weeks.
Do follow Me on Instagram: @rakshaachhabriaa
You can also choose to book a Consultation that provides a Support Ear as well.
Please connect over email :
Or follow on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1tkm0z5p3xw32&utm_content=skqq4o
Youtube : rakshaa chhabriaa