POSITIVE THOUGHTS CONSULTING & TRAINING SOLUTIONS broadcasted its 13th Episode of THUNDERBOLTS, on 19th Sept 2021 @ 6:00 PM IST.

Positive Thoughts Family is a global community from PAN India and almost 40 different countries, on a mission to learn, connect, share, and bridge the gap between Brands/Organizations/Nations and will work on the Mission of Empowerment for” STRESS-FREE EDUCATION & LIFE.”
For the 13th Episode of THUNDERBOLTS, Ms Tiffany Ann Alice Brewer was invited to speak on the vital topic which is the need of the hour “How to Have a Positive Mindset as a Parent”.
The Trainer, Ms Tiffany Ann Alice Brewer is an Ex- Cabin Crew member, a Parenting Coach, Phonics Expert, Mom Blogger & is also pursuing Early Education in Pre and Primary School.
Being focused on parenting, education and women empowerment, she believes in living and let others live too. Spreading joy and empowerment are what she lives for on daily basis.
The show was hosted by Ms Christine D’Costa. She is an International Teacher Trainer, Soft Skills Trainer and Founder of Morning Star Pre-Primary School & CESA Academy. She began the session of Thunderbolts by introducing Dr Gaurav Sharma, the Founder & CEO of Positive Thoughts and sailed through his journey of finding his purpose in life and building a community of like-minded people filled with motivation and satisfaction.
Ms Tiffany is an Ex-Aviator for 9 years who swapped her career amidst the pandemic to spend more time with her son and is now spreading awareness on a Parent’s involvement in Early Child Development.
She started with thanks to Dr Gaurav Sharma for creating this wonderful platform. She unveiled that for her personally Positivity or Positive Mindset is the way one use themselves in any situation and what one would be able to do if the odds are not in their favour. This would help them to not lose faith & hope and they would just move ahead.
She added that as a parent, we become more focused on trying to make the child happy that at times the parents burn out and lose the positivity that is supposed to be within. This creates a very stressful environment as parents are keener on continuously giving. She highlighted that Positive Mindset as a parent starts from the parent and Parenting is actually a ‘Parent becoming a parent and not only raising a child’. As a parent we should be constantly aware of our personality and how we are supposed to give in to the parenting and raising our children in the journey, to handle hurdles and issues, celebrating their success.
She stated that Parenting is a Roller-Coaster ride as the situation could not be the same even if you have one or more child as every child is different than other and so are the parents. One needs to condition themselves and have calmness and imbibe the quality.
In the Positive Mindset as a Parent one needs to give themselves the time no matter whether one is a working parent or stay at home. One of the ways to ensure is to focus on what positive you have in your life.
Gratitude is the first and the foremost thing, as when one is humble one would be more grounded and this gratitude and humanity would teach the child the same as you are modelling the same behaviour.
The second is to reward oneself with ‘ME’ time. As a parent one is constantly on the toes managing all activities and things be it managing home, work, children, family and other activities. In all this, one tends to forget and miss the uninterrupted time to rejuvenate and recharge themselves.
To be an effective parent, one needs to remain calm and remind yourself that each day would be better and one needs to be flexible enough and prioritise handling the activities. She shared an example of a family with a sick parents who started to pass on the frustration on the children. The children were unable to understand the disconnect in the behaviour and ultimately this lead to doing stuff which they would have not done under the normal conditions. One should always tune in and create an atmosphere that you are interested in your child and we do have a connection with them and they need us more and we must have open communication to have consistency and life full of content and peace of mind.
She mentioned that it is important to appreciate your children for their efforts as when your child say thanks to you, you would feel. With the appreciation for the efforts, the children would constantly try to better themselves and ultimately excel. Success is not to be judged by the result but with the effort done for the upliftment. Never overpraise to avoid them missing to keep up but reinforce their confidence and values. Create the space and give them the freedom to believe in themselves. This would bring respect for you as a parent.
The highlight was the ICE (Instantly Connect and Empathise) Technique whenever your child has misbehaved. This is done to check to find the root cause of the problem. The foundation of the relationship would become more strong and your child would be empowered and responsible for their behaviour. She emphasized that laying the boundary is very important to understand and respect the guidelines creating responsibility and accountability for the action because you have laid trust in them.
Now, is a completely different generation, more inclined to the technology and we as a parent need to understand and mould ourselves accordingly. Whale Done Approach can help you to bring positive reinforcement and redirection which can help to bring the best out of your parenting journey.

At the closing, Ms Ina Singh, Co-Chair of Positive Thoughts gave the vote of thanks to Ms Tiffany Ann Alice Brewer for giving her precious time on Thunderbolts and shared her insights on this crucial topic – ‘How to Have a Positive Mindset as a Parent’. The session was ended after the virtual felicitation by the certificate to the Trainer Ms Tiffany Ann Alice Brewer, the Host Ms Christine D’Costa, Ms Ina Singh & Dr Supriya Kumaravelan.
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