POSITIVE THOUGHTS CONSULTING & TRAINING SOLUTIONS presented its 20th Episode of THUNDERBOLTS, on 12th December 2021 @6:00 PM IST through ZOOM as well as showcased on “FACEBOOK LIVE” on the official page of “POSITIVE THOUGHTS”.
Members joined from different parts of the World to witness this Blockbuster Live session.
Positive Thoughts Family is the procert UK, ISO certified, GST registered firm, registered under The Ministry of MSME, Government of India with many International collaborations. It is a global community of speakers, trainers, coaches, educationists, healers, authors, social activists from across India and over 50 different countries, on a mission to learn, connect, share, and bridge the gap between Brands/Organizations/Nations and works on the Mission of Empowerment for” STRESS-FREE EDUCATION & LIFE.”
This Elite Executive community is for all the like-minded Positive People from all across the globe who want to share, Inspire, and help each other to grow their successes together by empowering one another.

For the Twentieth Episode of THUNDERBOLTS, Prof. Dr G C. Kavitha was invited to speak on the vital topic “Happiness is your birthright”.

The Trainer, Prof. Dr G. C. Kavitha is an Internationally acclaimed Inspirational Speaker, Known as a Happiness woman, Positive Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Social Activist for World Peace and Happiness, have counselled 3 plus lac women and adolescents voluntarily on Happiness till 2021.

The show was hosted by Ms Farida Mesiwala. She is a Happiness & Parenting Coach, Laughter Yoga Trainer, Corporate Trainer into Leadership Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Behavioural Training, Soft Skills as well as a performance enhancer coach.

Moderator started with a prompt – Does somebody knows what time it is? It was answered by Dr Gaurav Sharma that it is time to be happy which she echoed. She added that the Positive Thoughts family gives everyone Happiness in Abundance. Next, she gave an elaborated introduction of Positive Thoughts Consulting & Training Solutions. She heartily introduced the man behind creating this beautiful, wonderful and amazing family who is also a multi-award-winning Motivational Speaker, Life Coach and Social Activist - Dr Gaurav Sharma, the Founder & CEO of Positive Thoughts Consulting & Training Solutions & Co-Founder – 28 Credentials of Entrepreneur, Malaysia. The entire community present acknowledged his diligent efforts to spread positivity and build a community of like-minded people filled with motivation and satisfaction.

Creating a WOW moment on the topic of the eve ‘Happiness is your birth right’ and we must appreciate what we have as happiness is to enjoy what we have, she enthusiastically introduced the Trainer of the eve, Prof. Dr G. C. Kavitha.
Prof. Dr G. C. Kavitha started with a statement that she want to inspire if not all then some and advised that her session would be a combination of three stories as she want the people to reach the extent of happiness she is expecting and asked everyone to imagine themselves in those situations.
The first story she narrated started with imagining that one has got feedback on his/her work. Your good work has been appreciated however there are some recommendations for you too to improvise and raised a question that how would be your state of mind?
The second story stated that you wake up in the morning and the moment you go to your balcony, you see some flowers blooming, birds chirping in the sky. You feel the aroma of coffee and you get your coffee. Just before you could have sipped, somebody come and knocked the coffee off. She asked what is your state of emotion?
In the third story, she stated that you and your best half (could be your friend, life partner or anyone whom you are very closed to) enter into a tug of war due to differences. She continued that in conversation you and your best half-point out the mistakes and claim how you ignored it and asked that did it happened with you too?
She added that why did she ask the above questions is that we human beings are hardwired to identify something more negative. She said that one cannot create happiness. When a person can reduce the negativity, eventually one starts to see the positive side of it. She added that when one sees something fearful coming up, one tends to protect oneself as the very first intention for each one on this earth is to survive. She mentioned that fear can be categorized under 5 major categories as under:
1. Fear of extinction (death)
2. Fear of mutilation (damage or injury)
3. Fear of separation (parting)
4. Fear of autonomy (lack of freedom)
5. Fear of ego (losing self-image)
She highlighted that every human being is brought up with certain belief systems and certain values, and we perceive ourselves, others and the world based on our belief system. This belief system does come in because of our nurture. There are a lot of unless and until the list of activities that are considered as parameters of our success or well-being. She said the above questions related to the three stories form a part of it as all these are variables that remove happiness from our lips. We also tend to minimise as we do not take or give the credit. People also miss happiness is becoming judgemental about situations and losing the happiness quotient.
If we attach our happiness with materialistic benefits, we would become happy but the depth of it would be saturated at a certain point of time and we wouldn’t be realising the same after some time (it could be from max one to five years). One needs to remove the negativity and materialistic benefits to remain happy for a lifetime as this is your life and Happiness is your birthright.

At last, Dr Supriya Kumaravelan Co-chairperson of Positive Thoughts gave the vote of thanks to Prof. Dr G. C. Kavitha for sharing great insight about how to become happy and stay happy life long and giving her precious time on Thunderbolts and the session was ended by virtual felicitation with the certificate to the Trainer Prof. Dr G. C. Kavitha and the Host Ms Farida Mesiwala.
The article is written by Mr Deepak Shrivastava (Content Manager of Positive Thoughts)
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