POSITIVE THOUGHTS CONSULTING & TRAINING SOLUTIONS presents its 25th Episode of Talk Series named ARABICA COFFEE BLOOMS on 17th November 2021 @6:00 PM IST through ZOOM as well as showcased on “FACEBOOK LIVE” on the official page of “POSITIVE THOUGHTS”.
“Positive Thoughts Family” is a Global community from PAN India and almost 45 Worldwide countries, on a mission to learn, connect, share, and bridge the gap between Brands/Organizations/Nations and work on the Mission of Empowerment for” STRESS-FREE EDUCATION & LIFE.”
This Elite Executive community is for all the like-minded positive Speakers, Trainers, Coaches, Educators, Healers, Authors and Entrepreneurs from all across the globe, who wants to Share, Inspire, and help each other to grow their successes together by empowering one another.

25th Session of ARABICA COFFEE BLOOMS by Positive Thoughts and Golden Jubliee Episode of Positive Thoughts was for the dose of motivation and receptivity from Dr Milind Kher.
Dr Milind Kher is a CEO at HQ, Sales and Marketing Professional, HR Professional, EI Expert, NLP Practitioner, Certified Life coach and Director of Positive Thoughts.

The Interview was moderated by Dr Anuja Malik. She is a Certified Communication Coach, Soft Skills Trainer, Former Deputy Manager at Reliance Communications and Content Head of Positive Thoughts.

Talking about the Guest - Dr Milind Kher was born in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. He lived there for a brief period, till lower KG after which he shifted to Mumbai. Barring a few years in Kanpur, all his schooling happened in Mumbai and he is an alumnus of St. Mary’s School ICSE Mazgaon.
He attended Elphinstone College Mumbai from where he graduated. Thereafter he did his post-graduation (MA) from Rajasthan University, Jaipur and his MDBA from IMDR Pune.
Milind Kher has done a lot of pioneering work during his career. He established the Pharmaceutical Division of Camlin in Mumbai and found a place for it, not only on the shelves of chemists but also in the hearts of doctors. He ably supported the social marketing cause of the Government Of India, appointing fifty-one dealers in his very first assignment.

He has always been very active in people matters as well as sales. He was at the forefront of cascading trade marketing initiatives in ITC Ltd. as well as in being at the forefront of the sales thrust in ITC Foods in key cities in the Western Region.
He has since been the CEO of HQ where he has been responsible for strategy, public relations and conceptualization. His expertise in Extended DISC, NLP, Emotional Intelligence and Life Coaching gives him a distinct edge in dealing with people
With all this, he has always placed an absolute premium on transparency and integrity, which makes him highly dependable. A professional is dedicated to bringing about a change for the better and believes in “Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana.”

The session was full of life lessons and teachings for everyone. It was rightly said by Dr Milind that the efforts are in your hands. You have the right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of that action. If God supports your actions, he will guide you to be successful. You do what your karma requires of you, and the rest is up to God. Dr Milind suggested that we always remember four words: "Fortune Favours the Brave." While answering one of the questions regarding the examination system, he compared it with the attitude of a Formula One racer and explained that he would just prepare the learners with the fuel of knowledge and let them accelerate their strength and use the best of their energy in the last round to win the race.
He shared how to deal with toxic people and maintain our positive vibrations while answering another question. He emphasises the need to maintain a positive outlook and believe in hard work.
He suggested being smart in performing the task but maintaining the spirit and sense of dedication towards work as a priority.
The major takeaway from the session is the "Key Steps to Manifesting Your Dreams."
To view this blockbuster Golden Jubilee session of Positive Thoughts, members joined from different parts of the Globe.

Towards the end, a Vote of thanks is done by Dr Gaurav Sharma, Founder & CEO of Positive Thoughts. He expressed his Gratitude towards Dr Milind Kher and Dr Anuja Malik for making it a Blockbuster Golden Jubilee Episode.
The felicitation ceremony was conducted by Dr Ina Singh (Chairperson of Positive Thoughts), She presented the certificates to the guest and host of the session.
The article is written by Dr Bhavna Chibber (Content Manager of Positive Thoughts).
If you want to witness more sessions in future, don't forget to follow this Facebook page