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FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) & Young FICCI Ladies Organisation (YFLO) Annual Session & Change of Guard: A Celebration of Empowerment 2024

Amidst the elegant ambiance of Hotel Park, a significant event unfolded on Thursday evening, marking the Annual Session & Change of Guard for the esteemed FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) and Young FICCI Ladies Organisation (YFLO). The evening resonated with discussions on the Future of Global Women Leaders, spearheaded by Farzana Haque, a distinguished figure renowned for her leadership at TCS, philanthropy, and mentorship.

Farzana Haque, engaging with Ritu Shah, the outgoing Chairperson for 2023-24, shared insights on women's empowerment, technology, and education, emphasizing the importance of financial independence for women. "All daughters in this country must be able to look after their parents without seeking financial help from others. All daughters should have the power to write cheques," Farzana stressed, advocating for economic autonomy among women.

Reflecting on her tenure as the 22nd Chairperson of the FLO Hyderabad chapter, Ritu Shah expressed gratitude for the transformative journey. Under her leadership, FLO made remarkable strides, impacting thousands through health initiatives, education, and skill-building programs. The chapter's efforts to revive traditional crafts and empower artisan communities received substantial government support, fostering economic resilience.

In a symbolic transition, Priya Gazdar and Ridhi Jain assumed leadership roles as Chairpersons of FLO and YFLO for 2024-25, heralding a new era of empowerment. Priya Gazdar articulated her vision to drive economic and social change, emphasizing the interconnectedness of women's prosperity with global progress. "Every team member will be a change-maker," Priya affirmed, highlighting the collective effort needed for meaningful impact.

Echoing Priya's sentiment, Ridhi Jain underscored the importance of collective action in empowering women. With a theme of 'evolving heroes to rise, empower, and thrive,' Ridhi unveiled her vision to inspire and uplift women in the coming year. The launch of Connect, an in-house magazine, further underscored FLO and YFLO's commitment to fostering connections and amplifying voices.

As the evening concluded, it left a resonant message - when women prosper, societies flourish. The Annual Session & Change of Guard served not only as a celebration of past achievements but also as a rallying call for continued empowerment and progress.

In the journey towards gender equality and inclusive development, FLO and YFLO stand as beacons of inspiration, driving positive change and creating pathways for women to thrive.


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