Employee benefits insurtech, Healthysure has partnered with ManipalCigna Health Insurance to launch India's first Flexi Top-up Insurance which allows employees to personalize and upgrade their corporate health insurance plans. By paying a nominal add-on premium, employees can upgrade their cover, which can even be continued in a personal capacity post-employment. They are thus able to eliminate the need of buying independent personal health coverage and also save up to 90% of premium spending.
“During COVID-19, we couldn’t help but notice a significant gap in an employee’s health insurance journey. A corporate health cover did not have sufficient coverage and also expired the moment an employee left the organization. We could all see the consequences of not having sufficient health coverage as hospital bills hit the roof during Covid. Our Flexi top-up bridges that gap where an individual can upgrade their corporate sponsored cover and also convert their top-up cover into a personal base cover when they leave.” says Anuj Parekh, CEO, and Co-founder of Healthysure.
Flexi-top-up is powered through Healthysure’s technology platform through which a policy is issued digitally within 30 seconds of making a purchase. This policy does not require any extra loading premium for pre-existing diseases, nor does it have a co-payment clause.
Shashank Chaphekar. Chief Distribution & Technology Officer of ManipalCigna Health Insurance, added, “Our commitment to making healthcare more affordable, predictable and simple, is a vision that we share with Healthysure. Hence, we are happy to partner with Healthysure to launch our flexible and customised ‘Flexi-Top Up’ health insurance plan. The plan is exclusively designed for Healthysure’s clients to deliver enhanced safety net of coverage, keeping in mind the growing high medical inflation rate, so that policyholders stays worry free when it comes to their and their family’s current and future healthcare needs.”
Healthysure is an employee welfare platform, targeting SMEs to make insurance and healthcare affordable and accessible to the Indian workforce and their families. It provides personalized and simpler claim management through a trusted health insurance partner. The claims can be tracked in real-time which also enables employees to voluntarily customize their corporate health benefits. The platform also offers digitized policy and claim experience with flexible health and wellness offerings.
Healthysure has launched India's first Unified Health Insurance plan that allows employees to personalize their organization's health covers with continuity post-employment thus, eliminating the need of holding an independent personal health cover and savings up to 75% premiums. At the same time, Healthysure also offers a complete healthcare stack for organizations to manage their health benefits. Healthysure has partnered with over 70 companies, covering over 20,000 policyholders under its healthcare solutions.
Addressing the problem:
Healthysure’s aim is to help simplify health insurance for the Indian workforce and make it more and more affordable and accessible. To address the pattern of inadequate health cover policies, Healthysure was launched by Anuj Parekh and Sanil Basutkar. Many organizations in most cases are restricted by budget constraints and as a result, opt for a cover that may not be comprehensive. This results in either the employee opting for a separate personal cover and in essence paying double the premium or as in most cases, the employees are unable to afford a comprehensive cover, thereby leaving them with the potential for the crippling debt at the time of critical emergencies – as was the case observed during COVID-19.
About Founders
Healthysure is the brainchild of two young, chartered accountants who are alumni of IIM-B and ISB- Anuj and Sanil. Anuj Parekh, a national CA rank holder and a graduate from IIM-B has co-founded this insure-tech platform with yet another CA and his long-time friend Sanil Basutkar, a graduate from ISB is his co-founding partner.
Anuj Parekh, Co-founder and CEO
Anuj Parekh is the co-founder and CEO at Healthysure. Before co-founding HealthySure Anuj served as a Management Consultant at Auctus Advisors consulting novel infrastructure projects such as the world's first commercial hyperloop project in India and has been part of the Core Team at Mahindra SmartShift - a seed-funded logistics tech start-up.

Sanil Basutkar, Co Founder
Sanil Basutkar is the co-founder at Healthysure. Previously he has worked at Ernst and Young (EY), Torre Capital as the Product Manager, and at Jarvis Technology and Strategy Consulting as the Program Manager.