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Lodge Keys No. 297 Transforms Lives: CPR Training Touches Hearts and Creates Lifesavers

In a remarkable initiative, Lodge Keys No. 297, a cornerstone of Freemasonry, orchestrated a groundbreaking community outreach program titled "CPR" training at the Goshamahal Baradari Masonic Building in Goshamahal. This event, held in collaboration with EMRI Green Health Services, aimed to bolster awareness and preparedness in emergencies.

The GVK EMRI team, led by Dr. Javed and Dr. Satish, along with National EMLC Instructor AU Maheeshwor, demonstrated their commitment by equipping participants with essential CPR skills. The team utilized state-of-the-art equipment, including CPR Half Body Manikins, SED Complete Set, Infant Manikin, Splints, Gauge Rolls, and Sling & Swathe, to train 40 enthusiastic participants over a four-hour session.

Shocking statistics reveal that a mere 2% of the Indian population is trained in CPR. The event emphasized the potential impact of expanding this knowledge base, highlighting that a 20% training rate could significantly increase the chances of saving lives. Dr. Javed and Dr. Satish emphasized the critical role of CPR in improving outcomes for those in cardiac arrest, especially when administered within the crucial first few minutes.

Participants, a diverse group including Freemason Members, their families, friends, doctors, masons, facility managers, auto drivers, watchmen, corporate executives, homemakers, and students, learned the vital skills of CPR. D. Ramchandram, Coordinator of the program, expressed the Lodge's commitment to fostering a culture of preparedness and responsiveness in the community.

Radhyeshyam Tiwari, President of Lodge Keys, outlined an ambitious goal of training 1000 community members, including auto drivers, watchmen, facility managers, street vendors, hoteliers, police, students, and the general public, as first responders in the coming year.

The program underscored the intrinsic value of CPR, as noted by P. Veerabhadrudu, Assistant Regional Grand Master. The sentiment was echoed by Ramesh Manchala, Assistant Regional Grand Master, who lauded the transformative power of the training, turning ordinary individuals into potential lifesavers.

Participants shared heartfelt testimonials, acknowledging the simplicity and effectiveness of the CPR training. Expressing newfound confidence, they emphasized the importance of spreading this knowledge widely. Rekha Santoshi, an advocate for introducing such programs in schools, stressed the urgency of making CPR training a societal norm.

Srinivas, an auto driver, and Venkatesh Nayak, a watchman, shared personal stories of how acquiring CPR skills could have made a difference in their encounters with medical emergencies. Students like Janvi Mehta praised the trainers for demystifying CPR, making it accessible and compelling for anyone willing to learn.

In a world where timely assistance can be the difference between life and death, Lodge Keys No. 297 has not only initiated a transformative program but also instilled a sense of empowerment, turning ordinary individuals into potential heroes ready to make a difference in their communities.


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