The fact of the matter is that our society is rarely peaceful and all you have to do to confirm the same is to review the local dailies to get an idea of what you may be up against.
Most people assume that signing up for a self-defense course should do the trick but there’s a lot more to it than just learning the mechanics of defending yourself from being attacked. That’s where the philosophy kicks in and these courses will teach you to boost your own confidence levels so that you can take anyone on.
Experts advise women when faced with an attacker, to strike the groin with a hard thrust of the knee while putting the force of their palm under the attacker’s chin. It is a tried and proven self-defense technique to allow time to run or scream for help.
Hence Mr. Sagar Lokhande and his Team taught girls studying at Arpan Girls Hostel Yerwada how to protect themselves on World Girl Child Day.
Bahujan Hitay Girls Hostel Mohanwadi, Vishrantwadi is functioning in Pune for the last 33 years. 100 students live in the hostel every year. All the children admitted here are economically backward, orphans, poor, needy, in slums, and remote areas of the Pune district.

All kinds of services are being provided free of charge for the overall development of these girls. A free self-defense seminar was organized by Shatkon Karate Sports Association at Bahujan Hitay Girls Hostel Jadhavnagar Yerwada Pune 06 on how to self-defense for girls due to the abduction of girls taking place in Pune city.

Hostel Superintendent Diksha Ingle Vaishali Kudekar and Shweta Bhandare and Shotokan Sports Karate Association Senior Karate Instructors Sagar Sir and Sumit Sir, Vishal Sir, Tanmay Sir, Amar Khalsode Sir, Nikita Gaikwad Madam, Akshay Kamble Sir gave practical training in self-defense.
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