Team Stay Featured had recently interacted with talented voice-over artist Akshdeep Singh, here are some of the glimpses of our communication
1) What have you done to improve your knowledge Of Voice Over Talent in the last few years?
Watching videos on YouTube have been very helpful. Apart from that - reading articles and attending webinars have helped me learn things that I was completely unaware of. People generally think only paid classes & coaching provides real knowledge (which it does). But there is so much content online these days that if you even sincerely watch and utilise those tips in your real life, you will definitely learn a lot.
2) How have you developed your career?
It's an ongoing process. Learning - Executing - Marketing - Branding and Analysing your progress regularly. I believe there is immense potential in this career path. I am constantly trying to grow and build a strong Voice Over network each day.
3) What do you like most about Voice Overs?
Each project requires a different emotion, a different feeling and a different vibe. This variety and the limitless possibilities in this business excites me the most!
4) What parts of this job do you find the most challenging, if there are any challenges?
One might feel alone on some days since it's only you, your microphone and that closed compact studio that you work during the whole day. For those who love to go out and network with people every day, they might find it a bit challenging in the beginning. Working in a team, taking group sessions and catching up with your peers on weekends is an effective solution for this.
Apart from that, there is a rejection factor that we face daily. One has to give multiple auditions to get that one job. If you are just starting, you might not be able to convert many auditions. But understanding that with time you learn and if you stay positive & determined, you can build your own clientele that will hire you regularly!
5) Did you always want to be a Voice Over/Dubbing artist, is there any turning point?
Haha nope. I wanted to be an Actor! I have taken professional theatre classes and was a part of many productions at school, college and professional theatre groups. Somehow in the past few years, with some divine intervention, I have been pulled back into Voice 'Acting'. I knew that I had the talent but I could never think of any career opportunity that would align my passion to my profession. I am happy that there is still 'Acting' involved in this industry and I love doing this every day!
6) Who was your mentor during this journey? Did you undergo professional training?
I did not have only one mentor. I am blessed to have worked with a lot of mentors throughout my life including my school/tuition teachers and acting coaches. They have been a huge support in helping me identify my Voice talent and to nourish it to the best extent possible. Also, my parents, siblings and friends have been great mentor all this while, who have not only appreciated but have been giving me constructive feedback about my performance.
7) How do you prepare yourself before a recording?
I do a set of Vocal exercises, which is very important before any recording session. Just like other body parts, our Voice (Throat) is also a muscular instrument and can only function well if you take proper care of it. This not only includes warm-up exercises but paying attention to your diet. The most important thing is keeping our throat hydrated throughout the day. Drinking sufficient water is the key!
8) What’s your secret to success? Can you please share the success mantra? Also, share your social media profiles.
Step 1: Identifying your passion.
Step 2: Learning and nourishing your skills daily.
Step 3: Develop a Business Plan.
Step 4: Track your growth.
Step 5: Network with others and stay Consistent. This would require working hard, being persistent no matter how many auditions you face rejection in, staying positive in every situation.
If you do all this regularly, there is nothing that can stop you from achieving your Goals! :)
Would love to connect with you all. Here are my social media handles:
LinkedIn: Akshdeep Singh Vohra
Instagram: akshdeepvoiceovers
Twitter: AkshdeepSinghV
Facebook: Akshdeep Singh Vohra
YouTube: The Entertaining Influencer