Sony SAB's light-hearted show Tera Yaar Hoon Main has kept the audience hooked to the show with its appealing and light-heated storyline. However, the show will soon witness a thrilling sequence as the bank where Rajeev (SSudeep Sahir) and Daljeet (SSayantani Ghosh) work becomes a target of a heist.
Rajeev and Daljeet are a bit tense as there is a huge amount of cash deposited at the bank, and the matters become more intense when a group of robbers enter the bank to seize it. While Daljeet is in her cabin busy working, she has no idea that the robbers are looking out for her and Rajeev. Things further get intriguing as Rajeev claims to be the Bank Manager to protect Daljeet, and eventually ending up at gunpoint as the robbers embark on their mission. Rajeev’s attempts at saving Daljeet go in vain as the robber informs him that they have come well researched and asks him to direct him to the ‘real’ manager. The robber holds Rajeev and Daljeet at gunpoint and asks them to open the vault?
How will Daljeet and Rajeev save themselves from this situation?
Ssudeep Sahir, essaying the role of Rajeev said, "The viewers will get to see the protective side of Rajeev and as the story moves forward, things are about to get more exciting. Daljeet and Rajeev are in a life and death situation. While they want to save the bank, they also have to think about saving themselves. However, with the robbers taking everyone as hostages, it will be interesting to watch how Rajeev and Daljeet will deal with this situation and save everyone. It was exciting to shoot this sequence as you can feel the same amount of emotions as the character in such situations. I am sure our viewers will love what is about the come next."
Ssayantani Ghosh, essaying the role of Daljeet said, "This has been one of the thrilling weeks on the show. Rajeev and Daljeet have turned hostage in the middle of a money heist. The entire onus of saving the bank and the people inside the bank is upon them. It will be interesting to watch how they both come together to find a solution to this. Interestingly, while shooting, even if a fake gun is pointed at you, your heart automatically beats faster. It was an interesting experience for me. It will be interesting for the viewers to watch whether they succeed in their motives or Daljeet and Rajeev can save themselves and the bank.”
Watch Tera Yaar Hoon Main every Monday to Friday at 9:30 PM only on Sony SAB