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COLLOQUIUM CHAPTER 5 brought glimpses of "What will education look like in the future?"

POSITIVE THOUGHTS CONSULTING & TRAINING SOLUTIONS presents its 5th Global Conference “COLLOQUIUM” on 31st Oct, 21 @6:00 PM IST through ZOOM as well as showcased on “FACEBOOK LIVE” on the official page of “POSITIVE THOUGHTS”.

This conference received tremendous responses from different corners of the world.

MASTER OF CEREMONY for the show was Mr Bitupan Baruah, India(Wellness coach, Motivational speaker, India Book of Holder, Philanthropist & Honorary Member of Positive Thoughts) and Ms Vilma Da Luz Barbosa, Brazil who is an Educator, Professor, and International Speaker, International Advisor of Positive Thoughts from Brazil and a member of many other International Organizations. They highlighted the Positive Thoughts, that it is a Global community of Super Positive Eminent Speakers, Trainers, Coaches, Educationists from all across the country and from many different countries, on a mission to empower millions of souls for ” STRESS-FREE EDUCATION” and “STRESS-FREE LIFE."

The fifth chapter of Colloquium’s interaction was about looking ahead and beyond the current pandemic, how do we envisage education changing? The events of the past year have accelerated our increasing familiarity and use of technology and online learning, making us wonder whether our education systems are keeping pace. What new possibility does this present? And what are the challenges to some of the structures we have in place now, for example in higher education?

Chief Guest, Queen Nadia Harihari who is a Founder & CEO of Successworld1, Ambassador UN Affairs at the International Human Rights Commission, Pro-Chancellor at El Roi London University, International Advisor of Positive Thoughts from France was welcomed and she has shared her pearls of wisdom.

With this love of interacting with the community, hearing their stories, and learning from their experiences, their first guest was Dr Aruna Wadkar from India who is the Founder & Director of HETS, Founder & President of HETS Foundation, President- WICCI, International Speaker, Edu Consultant. Dr Aruna said that Technology has changed the face of Resources. She also explained how can we make the classroom as dynamic as the world around us?

The next guest was Ms Corina Sujdea from Romania who is an Educator, International Speaker, IIU Board Member & International Ambassador, She also received the Best Teacher Award 2021. She explains the role of technology. The educational tech leader will rely on edtech for a variety of functions & they will integrate its use seamlessly in schools. Edtech will be a common tool in classrooms everywhere. Leaders will integrate digital technology as they prepare for the future.

She also talks about Quality Education. We must make sure that a Quality Education is just that education that serves each child pedagogically and developmentally.

The next guest was Ms Irena Biba from Albania who is a Master Teacher & Trainer, International Speaker, MIEE and Wakelet Ambassador, Global Mentor in Minecraft, International Advisor of Positive Thoughts from Albania. She said that if we want students to analyze, evaluate and work with challenging ideas and problems, we need to equip them with skills for categorizing, deconstructing big ideas into parts, identifying relationships and asking more questions. As educators and leaders create, design and imagine the future, technology should be used in service of that vision rather than dictating it. She said Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of teachers can be transformed. She also explains Integrating Technology by SAMR Model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition).

The next guest was Mr Von Eric Tandoc from Canada who is a Speaker, Facilitator, Author, Mindfulness Expert, Works for Toastmasters International & Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program. He has shared his thoughts on the topic which is the need of the time. He talks about the importance of human connection and many other insightful things.

Then comes Prof. Paola Perez Lopez from Argentina who is a Professor of English Language & Culture, CEO of Yes English Institute, International Speaker, Writer, International Advisor of Positive Thoughts from Argentina. She talks about Innovation by using TICs in class, blended learning and communication.

The next guest was Ms Gonca Keskin from Turkey who is an Educator, Co-founder of the Global Teachers Club, Advocate of the Global School Program from SDG’s of UN, International Advisor of Positive Thoughts from Turkey. She has shared her real-life experience about education, SDG’s and the challenges students & teachers are facing in this challenging situation. Her speech comes directly from the heart.

Then comes the next guest Ms Raden Roro Martiningsih from Indonesia who is an Educator, Microsoft Innovative Educator & Expert, Google Certified Educator Level 1 & 2, Google Master Trainer, International Advisor of Positive Thoughts from Indonesia. Does she explain what must we do to transform and future proof our education systems? Communities continue to provide and support purpose-designed and built instituting where children are grouped for learning. Students will take more direct control of their learning and the curriculum might be delivered in a more “ just in time” way, enabled through a significant investment in online learning accessible to all children as and when they may seek it.

And the last guest was Ms Purvi Srivastava from Canada who is a Founder, PowerWave Skills, HR Professional, Certified Mindset & Resilience Practitioner, Mentor & Educator. She is also the International Advisor of Positive Thoughts from Canada. Purvi has shared her perception about the topic and her speech was very insightful.

There was a mesmerizing musical performance at the Global Conference by Ms Deni Demaj who is an 8th Grade student of Betim Muco School, Albania. Her performance has touched the hearts of all.

At last Dr Ina Singh, the Chairperson of Positive Thoughts gave the vote of thanks by mentioning that she's so grateful to the Chief Guest, to all the Guest Speakers and the Master of Ceremony, who gave their precious time and shared their experiences, views and knowledge on What will education look like in the future? in COLLOQUIUM CHAPTER 5.

Chief Guest was felicitated by Dr Ina Singh.

All the Guest Speakers as well as the Master of Ceremony were virtually facilitated with Certificates by the Chief Guest, Queen Nadia Harihiri.

It was a Blockbuster Global event with lots of valuable insights.

Let’s spread Love, Joy, warmth, happiness, respect, gratitude, wisdom amongst each other and let’s make our world a more beautiful, peaceful, stress-free and more empowering place to live all together.

The article is written by Dr Anuja Malik, Content Head of Positive Thoughts

If you want to witness these kinds of sessions in future, please follow the Facebook page


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