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Confessions of an Instagram Influencer: Arunima Jha

Updated: Sep 22, 2021

“Always dress like you’re going to see your worst enemy.”

Since I was little, I remember stealing my mother’s magazines and looking at all the models in the magazines, with those stunning dresses and incredible looks. Even though when I was a kid, I always knew fashion and beauty were a part of me. I believe fashion is another form of art and an amazing way to express ourselves.

I guess it’s quite an interesting story about how I became a fashion blogger on Instagram. I used to follow various bloggers on Instagram but I never thought that I can exhibit my life (also my lifestyle) that much. By exhibition, I mean to show my day to day routine, where I go, what I do and what I wear. I was always restrained from that perspective but I still wanted to learn something new, perhaps spend a little less time with my nose on the screen.

Even though, I was doing well in my legal profession yet I was missing something. I needed to dedicate part of my time to one of the things I like to do: blogging. That’s how I created my blog arunimajsharma on Instagram during Covid-19, which is actually a fashion and lifestyle blog. I’ll be honest, during lockdown maintaining a positive mindset was necessary. With limited contact with anyone from the outside world, I actually found it therapeutic to launch my Instagram blog and share content toward a more day-to-day glimpse of what my life is like. I know 2020 will be looked upon as one of the most challenging years in our time, but I hope to look back on it as the year that helped me overcome a lot of my personal and professional inhibitions.

So more than a year after here I am, sharing my personal tips and tricks with my followers. I could never imagine that I would be able to get this kind of support that I would be able to qualify to be tagged as an influencer! It still feels like a dream sometimes. An influencer to me is somebody who can take their platform and inspire people around. I believe I have managed to create a voice more valuable than any online adverts. For someone like me, who loves online shopping, I don’t think that I would ever buy a product without reading or watching several reviews on it. This wasn’t an option available back in the day without the internet. I believe today we have a much better accessible medium with of course a streamlined cause.

Also, I think for visual content like I’m creating for the fashion & lifestyle, Instagram is where people are searching for that. I have worked successfully with so many brands, and this has helped me get new followers and try out some incredible products. I have also gotten to associate with big brands like Mrs Femina India.

My key to success was persistence. I have put so much work into this blog. There are days when I literally work 14 hours, and I rarely take a day off. Even when I am on a “holiday” I’m needed to take pictures and film. Honestly, even when I am travelling, I am constantly creating my content. I definitely push myself to the limit comfort-wise with some of my content. Yes, it’s sometimes tiring but the results are almost always worth it.

I guess we don’t give enough credit where credit is due. Most of us work so hard and become photo editors, video editors, marketers, photographers and editors all rolled into one person. This is not easy and therefore I applaud every individual out there who are constantly supporting their partners.

One thing that I have learnt in this life is that when life gives you every reason to be negative, think of all the reasons to be positive. There’s always someone who has it worse. I have inspired people through personal topics like anxiety and mental well-being which was near and dear to my heart. I feel like this topic bonds so many people together, and it is an ongoing battle that we can motivate each other to be the best versions of ourselves. One thing that I always advocate is that just because someone looks happy on social media doesn’t mean they actually are. So, I encourage everyone to pick up the phone and check in on the people around them. It could save their life.

Being kind, grateful, and always remember that my job as a digital creator is to give. My job is to serve my audience. This is how I have grown, become stronger, and I believe this is how people achieve whatever it is they have set their heart to.

In the end, I would only like to say that - Be constant. Focus on what you really like, set small goals and enjoy every victory.

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